A new year...
"A time to stop and
reflect on the year that has gone by- to remember both our triumphs and our
missteps; our promises made and broken;
the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down
for fear of getting hurt. Because that’s what new years is about- getting
another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to
love more; and stop worrying about what
if and start embracing what will be.”
This excerpt from the movie “New Year’s Eve” couldn’t more
perfectly put into words how I feel at this very moment. I’m not sure how 2012
was for you, but for me it was a year with a lot of ups and downs, achievements
and disappointments. I got a fantastic job, I started weight (gym) training and
reached some goals I didn’t think were possible, got my heart broken, made a
sudden spontaneous life changing decision to go on an adventure to work on
yachts and I packed up my life and entered the unfamiliar. It was scary, but
the fact that I did it is an achievement on its own. My adventure has brought
its own ups and downs- new friends, exciting new places, the stress of finding
a job in an unfamiliar industry, meeting an amazing guy, being uprooted from
all of that and moving far away, financial worries, rejection and
When we take risks in life we open ourselves up to being
vulnerable- to getting hurt or things going the opposite way to what we thought
they would. With risk there is often no middle ground, its either going to go
very well or really badly. But if you don’t risk it, you’ll never know will you?
You might not experience the really bad, but you aren’t giving yourself the
opportunity to experience the really good either- something that may seem scary
but could be something incredible that changes your life.
We only have one life (one fairly short life actually) and
we should be living it up to the fullest. We need to be brave and overcome our
fears- take that leap/ chance/ risk. Only then are we giving ourselves the chance
to experience true happiness. We should be ticking things off our bucket list
every DAY not waiting till we are old and doing these before we die or it’s too
late. So my new year’s resolution is to make a bucket list today and start
ticking things off my list. And I really think that you should do the same. Even
just writing it will inspire you; as you start writing what you want to see,
do, experience and accomplish- all those things you dream about doing “one
I don’t really believe in New Year’s resolutions, I think
it’s pretty silly, as goals can be made at any time of year. But a new year
brings hope, and, as we look back on the previous year, a clean slate. So it’s
a good place to start. The trick with goals is to be specific. If they are too
vague then they are not measurable, so you are setting yourself up for failure.
Don’t say “lose weight”, rather say “lose 4cm” and don’t say “get fitter”, say
“run a half marathon in 6 months time” or “be able to do 50 push-ups by
November”. They need to be measurable- and realistic in order for you to stay
motivated and succeed. “Give up chocolate” is not going to be realistic, but
“one small chocolate twice a week” is. You can call them New Year’s resolutions
or goals or whatever you want; but mine are going to be the start of my lifetime
bucket list. Many people don’t like to share theirs as they are private, but
I’m open and honest and always wear my heart on my sleeve- as you know- so I’ll
share some of mine with you.
2013’s Bucket list
and resolutions
- Start learning a new language
- Get an amazing job on a busy charter boat with an exciting itinerary
- See2 new countries this year
- Try to be more guarded and only really trust people when you have truly got to know them
- Talk less, listen more
- Commit to exercising 5 times a week, no matter what
- Save money! (yes I do have measurable goals for this one...)
There we go!
Well there is no point in all talk and no action. So then
you need to go and make it happen.
Well... since writing that list I bought a Spanish language
package and have started learning Spanish. If you happen to walk passed my cabin
in the evenings, you will hear me enthusiastically (maybe slightly too
enthusiastically) whipping out Spanish phrases, trying determinedly to get my
accent to match that of the Spanish tutor on the audio set.
I also started to make a plan with finding my dream job- and
last week updated my CV, sent it to all the agents and just started applying to
everything that sounded exciting. My dream job was always to work on a yacht
that followed summer- so summer in the Mediterranean and winter in the Caribbean
on a charter boat. Private boats just have the owner on at certain times of the
year and you just get a standard salary. With boats that are chartered, the
owner is on at times, but it is also hired (chartered) out. You then have
guests on board and get tips per charter. In a charter season you can make
quite a wad of cash in tips, but you do work your butt off. I was applying for
loads of jobs and hadn’t really had much feedback, but I just had this positive feeling
that something exciting was on its way!
Then yesterday, out of the blue, I get a call from an
American captain on a boat in St Maarten in the Caribbean (yes the captain
phoned direct!) asking if I would be interested in a stewardess position. He
said their itinerary is to spend the next few months in the Caribbean where
they will have the owner onboard and then in April cross over to the Med where
they already have charters booked for Croatia and Turkey! I couldn’t believe it.
That was my dream job right there!
I spoke to him and the chief stewardess and
they said they wanted someone fun and outgoing and they saw my CV and thought I
would be a good fit. After we chatted, they said they loved my enthusiasm and
weren’t worried about my experience as you can teach that; but the most
important thing for them is to have someone with the right attitude who will be
a good fit in the team. And then they
offered me the position. I just needed to resign and get my B1/B2 visa which
they would send me documentation for. So I went straight upstairs, nervous as
all hell and told my captain that id been offered my dream job and I was
leaving. He was incredibly understanding and my chief stewardess was really
supportive. So I called the boat back and said I could start in 10 days time
and they offered me the position. And I was hired! Just like that! Within an
hour. I couldn’t believe it. My life had just done a 180 degree turn.
Today I received my contract and booked my appointment for
Monday at the US embassy in London for my visa. It all seems so surreal still.
At the appointment I will find out how many days it will take to get my visa.
The boat will then book (and pay) for my flight and I will fly out the day I get
my visa. So I’m looking at the end of next week! I cannot wait to get out of
this hole (cold, rainy Portsmouth in England where there is absolutely fuck all
to do) and be in the sunshine, partying on the beach and meeting loads of other
So you see..... if you put your mind to things and make
goals, you CAN make it happen :)
In the words of Nike “Just do it!”.
See y’all on the other side!
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